Boutique Podiatry
in Downtown Lake Oswego

At Oregon Institute of Foot Care, we care about healthy, happy, beautiful feet. We strive to provide personalized foot care and achieve the outcomes, both functionally and cosmetically, that our patients desire. What sets OIFC apart is our dedication to providing the highest quality care available, utilizing the latest medical techniques and technologies, educating patients to make well-informed health care decisions, and restoring foot and ankle function as quickly and beautifully as possible. Our mission is to give you healthy, happy, beautiful feet.

Custom Orthotics with SmartCast
OIFC custom orthotics are specially-made devices designed to support and comfort your feet. These orthotics have a sleek and low-profile design. They are worn in your shoes and are not visible to others. You don’t need to buy larger shoes or new shoes.

Laser Toenail Fungus
Dr. Manson has developed a comprehensive treatment program to eliminate hard to treat toenail fungus. OIFC’s Lunula Laser for Toenail Fungus program is customized to each patient’s needs and targets toenail fungus through multiple modes of treatment – getting you the best results.

Ingrown Toenail Specialist
Dr. Manson has done hundreds of ingrown toenail procedures and performs this in-office procedure multiple times per day! Get permanent relief of ingrown toenails with a simple 5-minute in-office procedure. Never get another ingrown toenail. Only the small portion of the nail that is ingrown is removed, and the rest of your nail remains intact. Once healed, you often can’t tell any nail was removed.

Leneva Corn and Callus Treatment
At OIFC, Dr. Manson uses the breakthrough, non-surgical Leneva® injections to treat ball of foot pain, corn and callus discomfort, and diabetic ulcers. Leneva® is a brand new fat grafting system introduced in the United States in November 2019.