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Amniotic Wound Care

Conveniently located to serve Portland, Lake Oswego, & West Linn

Boutique Podiatry Oregon Institute of Foot Care Lake Oswego
Unrecognized chiropodist on blue gloves examining toes and feet of female patient in medical center

What Is EpiFix?

Dr. Manson uses Epifix grafts to get slow healing or non-healing foot wounds to heal quickly. EpiFix is a skin substitute product (dehydrated amnion/chorion membrane allograft) that contains growth factors essential for wound healing. The graft is designed to treat common foot wounds and ulcerations, including chronic diabetic foot ulcers. When EpiFix is applied to an open wound, it will help your own cells regenerate the damaged tissue, reduce scar tissue formation, and control inflammation.
After multiple treatments, the open wound on the foot or toes will begin to heal and close itself. The graft works quickly and without adverse side effects by achieving complete closure of chronic wounds. The vast majority of patients who undergo a foot graft will never experience side effects.

What Does The Treatment Look Like?

If a wound is slow or non-healing, which means it has not gotten smaller as expected over a 4 to 6 week period, Dr. Manson will evaluate whether EpiFix is indicated. EpiFix is often applied in the office at Oregon Institute of Foot Care and does not need to be applied in a hospital setting.

Dr. Manson will first prepare the wound for application of the EpiFix graft, which involves removing any unwanted tissue and cleaning the wound. He then trims the graft to the correct size of your wound and places it on the wound. Dr. Manson then applies a moist dressing, which is worn for about 1 week. You are not required to do any dressing changes during the EpiFix treatments as the dressing is left in place until your follow-up appointment.

Dr. Manson examines the wound 1 week after application to evaluate healing and decide if another graft should be used. Treatment is complete when the wound is closed and has healed.

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Is EpiFix Right For Me?

EpiFix is successfully used for treating a wide range of wounds, including diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, arterial ulcers, and pressure ulcers.
Boutique Podiatry Oregon Institute of Foot Care Lake Oswego

What Is The Cost Of EpiFix?

Epifix is often fully or partially covered by your insurance. Prior authorization is always received with insurance by Oregon Institute of Foot Care before using EpiFix.

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At Oregon Institute of Foot Care, we care about healthy, happy, beautiful feet. We strive to provide personalized foot care and achieve the outcomes, both functionally and cosmetically, that our patients desire. What sets OIFC apart is our dedication to providing the highest quality care available, utilizing the latest medical techniques and technologies, educating patients to make well-informed health care decisions, and restoring foot and ankle function as quickly and beautifully as possible. Our mission is to give you healthy, happy, beautiful feet.


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