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Why Choose SmartCast Orthotics Over Generic Inserts

Why Choose SmartCast Orthotics Over Generic Inserts

Are you tired of persistent foot pain despite using over-the-counter shoe inserts? If you’re looking for a more effective solution, understanding the difference between generic inserts and custom orthotics, particularly SmartCast orthotics, could be the first...

Flip-flops and snow don’t mix: Winter foot-health advice

The holidays are over, but most regions of the country face a few more months of winter. Whether you’re slogging through deep snow and sub-zero temperatures in the north, or contending with dampness, chill, and muddy conditions in the south, it’s important to take...

Tips to keep feet happy this holiday season

Holiday shopping, decorating, parties and traveling are all part of our holiday revelries. But while you’re making all that merriment, how happy are your feet? You may be doing a lot of walking, dancing, standing, and sitting in one position throughout the holiday...