What is a Hammertoe?
Hammertoe surgery is a unique procedure that Dr. Manson performs, oftentimes along with bunion surgery. Hammertoe surgery allows you to weight bear immediately, and get back into a gym shoe in a short amount of time! A hammertoe is a toe that curls or bends at the end of the toe. It is often caused by a long toe that extends past the other shorter toes. Hammertoes can be troublesome for many reasons, not only cosmetically, but also functionally.
What is the Cost of Hammertoe Surgery?
Hammertoe surgery is usually fully or partially covered by insurance if it is painful for you. Coverage by insurance is always checked prior to performing the surgery so you are aware of any costs to you.
What Does Hammertoe Surgery Involve?
During your initial consultation, Dr. Manson determines which hammertoe surgery you need based on where you are feeling pain and with in-office X-rays of your feet. The hammertoe surgery is completed at an outpatient surgery center or hospital. Hammertoe surgery is done under Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), also known as twilight anesthesia, through a small incision on the side of the toe.
What to Expect During Hammertoe Surgery Recovery
Patients wear the surgical shoe for 2-3 weeks. During that time, the foot must be kept clean and dry. After 2-3 weeks, the sutures will be removed and patients are allowed to wear a gym shoe.
At 8-12 weeks, depending on how the bones are healing, Dr. Manson will numb the toes to remove the wire inside of the toe. This is done with local anesthesia in the office. Then you are allowed to return to exercise, like running and jumping, and typical shoes can be worn.
Hammertoe surgery is very successful, although no surgery will ever be perfect or without risk. Healing is determined by the success of the surgery, genetics, and compliance with instructions, all combined. With all the surgeries, we tell our patients that it will take 4-6 months before they start to see their true result due to swelling. Dr. Manson utilizes plastic surgery techniques to ensure that your final result is the beautiful foot you want.
Some more serious complications of toe surgery include, but are not limited to, floating toe, crooked healing, creases/scarring to the skin, numbness, or a toe that is painful or swollen.